Journey of happiness

One day a teacher wanted to demonstrate something to her class.
She started giving each student a balloon and asked to write his/her name on it using a marker pen.

Not knowing about what to do next, each student excitedly did it. Students wrote their names on the balloon and handed it back to the teacher.

Then the teacher took all the balloons and putted them in another room.
Now she told them that all of you have to go to the other room and find the balloon which has their name written, within 5 minutes. They quickly got up and ran to the room. Pretty soon everything became chaotic.

All the students were looking the balloon with their name, colliding with each other, pushing around others and there was utter chaos.

At the end of 5 minutes no one could find their own balloon.

Now the teacher asked everyone to randomly collect a balloon and give it to the person whose name was written on it.

Within minutes everyone had their own balloon!

And everyone was dancing in joy – happy faces. Because it was in the “giving” (balloons to others) that they “received” (happiness)

The above story pretty much talks about our own lives too. We are constantly in search for happiness all around, aren’t we? Not knowing where it is. Hardly do we realize that it has been within us all along.

So, What does Happiness means ?

Oxford English Dictionary’s says “happiness” means:- “The state of being happy”

But, do you think happiness means same for everyone? Just take a pause now and think what happiness means to you?

But, one thing universally accepted that gives happiness is “GIVING TO OTHERS”

Happiness multiplies when it is divided.